Baby teeth are important.  They serve many functions, including the ability to speak, chew, smile, and hold the space for the permanent teeth growing beneath them.  Dental hygiene should begin right away with the first dental visit by age 1.  Proper home care for the baby teeth sets the stage for their health as well as the health of the future permanent teeth.  Starting dental visits at a young age allows the opportunity for children to acclimate to the dental practice, to let them see and learn it is a safe place, while building trust.   It also allows for early detection of dental problems and allows the parents to learn proper home care for their children’s teeth.  Dental decay is 100% preventable and that is our goal for all of our patients at JRFD.  Early detection and prevention is key.  The dentist can be fun!  If you have any questions regarding this segment or in general regarding your teeth or your children’s dental health, please call us at 804-323-4200.